Flanged immersion heaters

Flanged heaters are designed to heat up liquid or gas by immersion. They guarantee an optimum performance and efficiency to maintain or increase the temperature of fluids (water, industrial oil, fuel, thermal, etc.) and gases, but can also produce steam. They can be installed vertically or horizontally. We offer customised designs to heat up tanks and pressure containers in different sizes, underground or above ground and indoors or outdoors. They are made with U-shape tubular elements welded to a flange and have a junction box. They are ready to work directly in the substance being heated up or indirectly through pods that shield the resistors. In this indirect system, they can be replaced, which is very useful to heat up or maintain the temperature in large tanks that can’t be emptied to replace the heater.
We have a broad range of flanges and materials, as well as different certifications and design codes.


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