Luxsolar | Aeronautics Sector

We designed and supplied a full system of ICAO warning lights for the Rande bridge (Galicia).


We designed and supplied a full system of ICAO warning lights for the Rande bridge (Galicia)

IES has supplied Autopistas del Atlántico Concesionaria Española S.A. (AUDASA) with a full system of Luxsolar medium-intensity aircraft warning lights to make the Rande bridge in Vigo safe under the aircraft standards for high-rise structures enforced by the Spanish Agency for Aircraft Safety (AESA).

These aircraft warning lights are required by the international standards (ICAO/FAA) to ensure that bridges and other high-rise structures are perfectly visible near airports and aerodromes. The old beacons on the Rande bridge had to be replaced as they weren’t bright enough and this structure is very tall and near the Peinador airport.
So far, this ICAO warning lights project is one of the most important projects for bridges in Spain.
This deal was closed through Digamel Vigo, with whom we work regularly in the area.

The authorising report from AESA set forth these requirements for our client: system made up of 4x AC-type medium-intensity dual beacons (flashing white in daylight and red in the dark) at the top of each tower and 4x C-type medium intensity beacons (permanently red) in the middle of the towers, linked to an IP66 control panel which was designed specially for this project.
The beacons supplied by LUXSOLAR (an Italian company) are the best quality in the market and have been officially certified and authorised under different standards, including the ICAO Annex 14 regulations. They also have an IP66 panel, weatherproof aluminium casing and a LED circuit with a useful life of about 100,000 hours. Their light intensity is 20,000 Cd in daylight (white) and 2,000 Cd in the dark (red).

The customised control panel also includes a twilight sensor that switches the daylight/nighttime mode automatically, protects the lights from power surges, and is also fitted with GPS to synchronise the flashes and warning/LED lights showing the state and failures, among other remote control and monitoring features.
IES Soler, as experts in this sector, worked alongside LUXSOLAR to come up with the technical-financial proposal and supplied the materials to DIGAMEL. We also provided full technical-sales guidance before and after the sale and all the certificates and documents required. The Rande bridge is now sparkling with its new certified aircraft warning lights.
About our Client:
Autopistas del Atlántico Concesionaria Española S.A. (AUDASA) was incorporated as a public limited company (Sociedad Anónima) on 16 October 1973.

This company keeps watch over the rights and duties arising from public procurement for building, maintaining and operating the toll road between Ferrol and the Portuguese border as well as any other road concessions that may be granted in Spain.

Digamel Group is a leading electric material distributor in Spain with over 35 years’ experience in providing guidance and selling low and medium voltage, lighting, renewable energy and telecoms.

Photo gallery of the engineering project

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