Benefits of using Renewable energy vs. fossil fuel sources for industrial processes

Benefits of using Renewable energy vs. fossil fuel sources for industrial processes

The European Union has established ambitious targets for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions so that by 2050 its economy does not depend so much on energy consumption that comes from fossil fuels.

According to consulting firm McKinsey, renewables could produce more than half of the world’s electricity by 2035, at prices lower than that generated by fossil fuels.

Better prices for electricity from renewable energies together with the lower installation cost of electrical equipment  compared to fossil fuel equipment (gas, fuel oil, etc.)  Tighter regulation  of greenhouse gas emissions is boosting electricity consumption from renewable sources in multiple sectors that previously relied exclusively on fossil fuels.

We would like to highlight below what are the advantages of working in industrial processes with electricity powered by renewable energies and  how from Industrias Eléctricas Soler SA (IES) we work to provide efficient  solutions to the different industrial sectors and their electric heat processes  to be able to accompany   the change  thus helps  to reduce GHG emissions to our beloved planet.

Today, about 20% of the energy consumed in industry is electricity so we still have  a long way to go, industrial companies must commit, always with the support of society, public  and private services, trying to make   production increasingly sustainable.

Electricity together with renewable energy sources seem to be the future for humanity, both public and private companies are morally obliged to accompany this necessary evolution.

fosil fuel vs electricity

Lower cost

One of the main advantages of working in industrial  processes  with electricity supply, and specifically with  industrial electric heaters, is undoubtedly the initial investment  cost,  electric heating systems usually have a lower initial installation cost than systems powered by gas, oil  , fuel oil.

In the case   of electric heaters  there is no need for large  structural works nor the need to have large surfaces for installation or storage of fuels such as pellets in biomass boilers.

On the other hand, the current increase in the cost of Gas makes the industrial processes that require it more expensive and in some cases economically unviable.

It is said that electric heating systems last 50% longer than gas or oil boilers and this is largely due to the fact that these systems do not include internal moving parts, greatly reducing the risk of breakdown or wear compared to other heating alternatives such as electric heaters.

Thus, the maintenance of an electric heating system is less, and therefore less expensive, than a gas, oil or fuel oil one.


Heating systems for industrial processes with electric heaters is one of  the safest ways to heat both  in industrial processes and in the heating of work areas.

With this electrical equipment, the risks of carbon monoxide poisoning or explosions  are reduced to a minimum, being almost zero.

Emission reduction

As we have anticipated, working with industrial processes whose energy source has the possibility of coming from renewable sources, such as electricity (solar, wind, hydroelectric, among others) generates a significant reduction inCO2 emissions  and greenhouse gases.

Whenever possible we use power control systems by thyristors, which implies a proportional and fine power control, where   the energy saving is considerable since when working the voltage according to the analog signal (4–20 mA, 0-5/10Vdc) only the necessary power transmission occurs according to the demand of the process,  avoiding unnecessary temperature peaks while extending the life of all components.

From IES SOLER, we help our customers to be more sustainable by designing and manufacturing electric heaters to replace their gas processes or other fossil fuels.

Wide range of models

Today, the offer of electric heaters is very wide. There are many models depending on the sector in which it is used (energy, industry, transport …), power, heating time, material, design or price.

In IES Soler we can offer electrical  solutions from a simple fin  heater  for air or an immersion heater, to  complex equipment giving electric heat solutions industryl based on a technical study designing according to the process data received from the client through our extensive experience and with the help of sof  tware of thermodynamic calculations, etc., manufacturing the  complete equipment in a skid, with its control cabinet to thyristors, drain valves, vent, safety, etc., completely interconnected and ready to operate in plant, offering the possibility of including  The start-up of the equipment anywhere in the world.

If the industrial companies that can contribute to this cleaner energy change increase the use in the consumption of these technologies and if the price of electricity continues to  fall compared to conventional fuel thanks to the contribution of renewables, this necessary energy transition could be stimulated since it would increase interest in investments in renewable energies.

From IES Soler we believe more than ever in the will to work together to achieve the goal of climate neutrality and progressively eliminate the energies that come from fossil fuel by 2050.

We still have time to achieve it!